Timid Nara Prefecture Citizen Bot 🦌 (@nntnarabot):

To all new adults, here are some things they won’t teach you in school but your life will be ruined if you don’t know:

・Never use revolving credit. ・All get-rich-quick schemes online are 100% scams. ・Taxes are ridiculously high, but if you don’t pay them, you’ll suffer a miserable fate. ・On the other hand, you generally have to apply to receive allowances and benefits from the government.

・Look up unemployment insurance, high-cost medical care system, and medical expense deduction. https://twitter.com/nntnarabot/status/1480024077696106496 Here’s another thing I want to tell new adults that they won’t teach you in school but you’ll be in trouble if you don’t know:

・Don’t become a guarantor, even for your parents. ・Stay away from multi-level marketing and network businesses. ・Absolutely avoid getting involved with consumer finance companies. ・Don’t get too involved in margin trading. ・If your parents or close relatives have debts, immediately renounce your inheritance after their death. https://twitter.com/nntnarabot/status/1480024228577824768 Finally, here’s what I want to tell new adults:

・Be cautious of people who try to “recruit” you when you’re feeling vulnerable. ・If work becomes unbearable, quit while you still have your judgment intact. Nowadays, there are lawyers who can handle resignations for you. ・No matter how difficult things may seem, most things other than matters of life and death can be resolved later, so never resort to suicide. https://twitter.com/nntnarabot/status/1480024824122855424